Emergency Dental Clinic

Five Signs to Visit an Emergency Dental Clinic

Emergencies can happen at any time of the day, and it is essential to recognize their symptoms. So, here we have compiled a list of common signs that will help you know if you should visit your dentist right now or wait till tomorrow.

1. A Broken Tooth

If your tooth is only chipped and you don’t feel any pain, there’s no need to call an emergency dentist. However, a broken or knocked-out permanent tooth generally causes extreme pain. Seeking urgent dental care in such a situation will not only help you with pain management but may also save your tooth. If your tooth has entirely been knocked out, place it in a cup of milk until you receive emergency dental care. It will improve the possibilities of conserving and reinserting the tooth.

2. Severe Toothache

A painful toothache is an indication of advanced decay that has traveled to the sensitive area of the tooth. For temporary relief, you can consider applying ice to your jaw or take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Rinsing your mouth with salt-water solution may also help to slow down the advancement of the bacteria. Meanwhile, you should also consider visiting your dentist as early as possible to prevent the spread of the bacteria to the other parts of the body. 

3. Continuous Gum Bleeding

Bleeding gums doesn’t always mean you have an emergency. However, you must consider visiting a nearby dentist if you have a severe laceration that causes bleeding for more than 10 minutes. You can perform a quick Google search to find an emergency dental clinic near me and head towards it to seek treatment.           

4.  Swollen Mouth Or Jaw

Several things can cause you a swollen mouth or jaw. The list includes swollen lymph nodes, infections, etc. In sporadic cases, it can also be a result of cancer. Since you can’t figure out the root cause of the swelling, it is better to schedule an emergency dental appointment for it.

5.  Suspected Broken Jaw

After an accident, if you experience acute jaw pain from the blow to the face, chances are your jaw is broken. It is a time-sensitive matter that requires immediate attention from an emergency dentist. When visiting an emergency dental clinic near me, consider tying a soft material around your head. It will immobilize your jaw and prevent further injury.

These are the few signs that you should not take lightly. Consider visiting the Emergency Dental Center to seek treatment if you are suffering from any conditions mentioned above. We offer a full range of dental care services for:

  1. Abscessed tooth
  2. Wisdom teeth
  3. Lost filling or crown
  4. Broken or chipped tooth
  5. Root canal etc. 

Emergency Dental Center is open seven days a week and also accepts same-day dental appointments. We will make every effort to ensure you recover faster.