Dental Trauma

My tooth was knocked out, what should I do?

By February 28, 2020 March 21st, 2021 No Comments

A knocked-out tooth is one of the most common forms of dental trauma. It usually occurs as a result of an injury or accident. Even though the tooth is knocked out, it does not necessarily mean the tooth has been lost forever. Quick action by one of our emergency dentists in Houston at the Emergency Dental Center could save the tooth.

Find The Tooth

It is important that you locate the knocked-out tooth. Even if it’s cracked or in pieces, collect every piece and place it in water or milk. If the tooth is covered in debris, do not clean it. Cleaning the root surface could accidentally remove healthy and important cells or fibers critical to reinsertion. Try to reinsert the tooth back into the socket. It may bleed a little, but the success rate is higher if reinserted immediately. Contact an emergency dentist immediately because time is of the essence. If a toddler or baby tooth is knocked out, do not try to reinsert. Most often baby teeth are not reinserted by the dentist. Baby teeth do not respond to reinsertion treatment. Remember these helpful tips

  • Do not touch the root, only pick the tooth by the crown.
  • Carefully washout the tooth with milk before reinserting. Do not scrub with water and soap.
  • Have someone help you gently place the tooth back into the socket. Make sure the front part of the tooth is facing forward. Gently bite on a small cloth or gauze.

Call A Dentist

Time is of the essence, you should be treated by an emergency dentist within one hour. No need to run to the hospital emergency room. Most hospitals are not equipped or staffed by a dentist who can diagnose dental tooth trauma. Your best option is to call us at Emergency Dental Center or search for the nearest dental professional. The dentists at Emergency Dental Center in Houston are standing by 7 days a week to provide the emergency dental service you may need. Our dentists are specifically trained to reinsert and stabilize a knocked-out tooth.

Preserve The Tooth

If you can’t reinsert the tooth, then preserve it. Dealing with dental trauma as a result of a knocked-out tooth can be scary. The gums may be bleeding and most likely the patient may be in pain. If you are uncomfortable inserting the tooth, then preserve the tooth. Pick up the tooth from the crown. Rinse it with milk or saline and place it in a jar of milk. Take the tooth with you to the dentist’s office.

Book An Appointment

Call us immediately, we’ll guide you through the steps above and make sure you are seen immediately. You can also book an online appointment at your convenience.