Dental Pain

What Is A Tooth Abscess- Causes, Symptoms & Treatments.

By April 7, 2020 March 12th, 2021 No Comments

We urge you to call our office as soon as you can. Our experienced dentist at the Emergency Dental Center will quickly resolve the abscessed tooth. If you prefer you can conveniently schedule an appointment online.


An abscessed tooth, often called a tooth abscess, is an infection in or around the tooth. Persons with an abscessed tooth may experience neck and ear pain; often for no reason. If you are experiencing an abscessed tooth and need an emergency dentist in Houston, call our dentist at the Emergency Dental Center. Our dentists are standing by and ready to take care of your painful tooth abscess. Continue below to find out more about abscessed teeth.

What are the causes of a tooth abscess?

There are multiple causes of an abscessed tooth or abscessed gum. Below are some of the common reasons.

  • Abscess caused by tooth decay- An abscess can form by a cavity left untreated. The bacteria will eventually reach the tooth nerve and cause an abscess. This is known as a periapical abscess. The dentist can often drain the abscess by performing a root canal procedure.

  • Gum abscess- This type of abscess forms around the gums of a tooth. A gum abscess can lead to swelling and painful abscess of the tooth. These types of abscesses cause the gums to pull away from the teeth leaving “pockets” where bacteria can hide and grow. Overtime gums abscess gets worse and an abscess can form causing swelling and bleeding.

  • Wisdom tooth abscess- This type of abscess can develop when a wisdom tooth does not fully erupt. A wisdom tooth abscess is formed when the tooth does not erupt properly. This can cause an area where food and bacteria can become entrapped causing an abscess around the wisdom tooth. This will very often lead to a painful abscess.


What are the symptoms of an abscessed tooth?

  • Severe pain while chewing.
  • Gums that are red or swollen
  • Salty taste in your mouth resulting from a ruptured abscess
  • Swollen jaw.
  • Fever.
  • Swollen red bump in your mouth with oozing blood or puz
  • Tooth that is sensitive to touch

If you are experiencing any of these tooth abscess symptoms, you should immediately call our emergency dentist in Houston at the Emergency Dental Center and schedule an appointment right away.


What are the treatments of an abscessed tooth?

An abscessed tooth needs immediate emergency treatment. Our dentist may:

  • Prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria.
  • Make a hole in the tooth to drain the abscess and relieve the pain.
  • Undergoing a root canal procedure- this procedure involves removing the abscess by drilling into the abscessed nerve to remove the infected nerve. The dentist will seal the nerve chamber. This prevents an abscess from forming again. A dental crown is placed after treatment is completed.
  • Remove the tooth. Once the tooth is removed, the abscess is eliminated and the pain subsides. The dentist may also drain the pus or abscess after the tooth is extracted.


When is a dentist visit necessary?

An abscessed tooth is a medical emergency that requires immediate abscess treatment. The dentist at Emergency Dental Center in Houston are highly trained to treat dental abscesses. If you notice any puffiness or tenderness contact the dentist right away. These symptoms can lead to a more dangerous form of tooth abscess that can lead to hospitalization. Persistent dental abscess and swelling may cause the spread of bacteria in your body which can lead to bacterial sepsis. This infection can be life-threatening.


What are possible complications from an abscessed tooth?

An abscessed tooth won’t go away without abscessed tooth treatment. If the abscess ruptures, the pain may decrease significantly— but you still need dental treatment. If the dentist doesn’t drain the tooth abscess, the infection can spread to other parts of your head and neck. A life-threatening infection, called sepsis, can develop if the infection spreads through the rest of your body. If you have a weakened immune system and the tooth abscess remains untreated, your risk of a spreading infection increases even more.

We urge you to call our office as soon as you can. Our experienced dentist at the Emergency Dental Center will quickly resolve the abscessed tooth. If you prefer you can conveniently schedule an appointment online.